Saturday, June 23, 2012


Its been a while since I've gone to the gym alone to get a workout in. I'm usually with a group of friends or in a group class. I went tonight-by myself. I forgot what good therapy it is. I was 100% focused, got to clear my mind. No phone. Just Me, the machine, and my Ipod. While on the elliptical the song "I've been changed" by William McDowell came on:

This song made me realize how much God truly has changed me. The way I think, the way I look at things, the way I handle things. In the past 2 years that I've had a solid relationship with him. He has changed my entire life. And sweating my butt off on the elliptical, legs burning... This song made my workout even more worth it. I pushed myself harder just when I wanted to give up. The burning in my legs was nothing compared to how motivated I felt! My weight loss has a lot (everything) to do with God. I could have NOT done it without him. This song pushed me and was my motivation for the rest of my workout. And clearly-I'm still inspired. I was nearly in tears working out. Its moments like that, that make you Thank Him, instead of asking for something. 

Needless to say. I had a great workout. Did 2 miles plus on the elliptical and did weights targeting different zones. 

I truly do owe God everything. He's always been there-even when I didn't know :-)

Oh-and this new gym bag helps get me motivated!!!!


  1. i LOVE this post!
    {and i LOVE your bag!!}

    1. Thanks Pastor Lori! I had been kinda dry with God lately. :-( I hadnt had a moment like that in a while. Definitely needed it to put me back where I belong. I felt a little crazy because I was literally on the elliptical almost in tears, thanking and praising him (not outloud-but still felt crazy!) lol Loved it. I woke up this morning and have had the song on repeat!

      Can't go wrong with God and an all sequin gym bag! lol

  2. Love this post - I always tell Tommy my best prayer time is when I go for a run outside by myself with my worship music!

    1. I've never put working out and God together. Thought it just didn't mix... Apparently I was totally wrong. It was the best hour I had in a long time!

      Thanks Keri!
