Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Year

Its that time of year. The gyms are packed with ambitious goal driven people. This is also known as the "New Year Resolution Season" during January and February normally dying out through March.
My challenge for YOU-keep pushing. Working out and losing weight is a blast at first for most-but you can keep it fun. MIX IT UP. If you are one of those New Year Resolution people-my challenge for you is to prove to yourself you have it in you to stay committed. Working out just isn't about losing weight its about being healthy and that is the bigger picture. It is far too easy to give up and you get no satisfaction from it. We all fall and all stumble and that's OK as long as we get back up and take a lesson learned from the fall. The key is to be able to learn something and strengthen yourself from both the good and the bad.
So keep your New Year Resolution and turn it into an ALL Year Resolution! It doesn't just take a season to make a New You.
New Year-New You!