Thursday, July 12, 2012

Is this real?

If you would have told me a year/year and a half ago that I'd be at the gym, working out, hanging out, some of my closest friends being "gym friends", and that I'd have lost over 100 pounds. I would have probably thought you were on drugs. But-here I am today. Loving going to the gym and as of today 104 pounds thinner. 

Lets  talk about today's workout:
15 minutes of free weights
1 hour Zumba with Paul (Thanks Paul!!!)
1 hour Strictly Strength class
I found a track by my house and did a half jog/half walk. I'd give my self "points". Jog from Red trash can to other red trash can, walk.... repeat. I've NEVER been able to jog in my life, for more than a second or two. 

I feel sooo accomplished... Not to mention sweaty as heck! 

Haha-here's a horrible pic!

And dinner for tonight:

Cucumber and carrots-I also had a protein shake before I left the gym.

All in all-I had a great workout day, and totally ready for bed!!!