Friday, May 25, 2012

The Dr.

I don't have health insurance, so it had been some time since I've been to the doctor. YEARS, except for Urgent Care when I was super sick.

Well, September came around and I was getting sick. Missed about a week of work (I NEVER miss work), had very little money, and no insurance. Tam used to work in a Dr.'s office and suggested we give it try, she says they'll see me and shes sure they'll work some sort of payment out for me. I'm desperate, so we all load in the car and make the trip (its in Auburn Hills which is 30-45 minutes from me, depending on traffic.) I look like absolute crap, I've been sick and in bed for literally a week. I get called back and see Dr. S, he takes 2 seconds and immediately says I have strep throat. I get some meds and now Tam wants to introduce me to people. LOL-Like I'm in any condition to meet people! Nice to meet you, here's strep throat! She points out different people, points out another Dr... yada yada yada... We get in the car and she informs me that they saw me for free (which was a total blessing), and she promised them I'd make an appointment for a physical. She had been bugging me to get a physical as I hadn't been to the doctors in years, which is easier said than done when you don't have any insurance. She also suggests I see the woman Dr. I didn't meet her but Tam had pointed her out to me. And there was noooo way I was going to her.

Let me give you a little back story. I HATE doctors. Every time I would go to the doctor whether it was for a check up or because I was sick. The doctor would simply say "Your overweight" or "Your fat". Great-I already know I'm fat, but can you help me out with my sickness? I even had one doctor refuse to treat me because I was so "fat". So you can clearly see why I hate doctors.

So Tam is steadily pushing me to call and make an appointment with Dr. J (the woman Dr.) This woman is 1-a thin woman, and 2-very pretty... I, being fat and ugly, was NOT going to go to the woman Dr. and so I procrastinated making the appointment, for about a month. Tam is trying to convince me that shes the best at what she does, she's funny, shes sweet... And in my eyes, a Dr. cant be any of those things, I don't like Dr.'s and now she wants me to see this woman?! She's crazy. So what does she do... makes the appointment for me-How nice of her right? ha!

My appointment is Nov. 2nd, which was still about a month away. I go get blood work done ahead of time so it can be discussed at the appointment. This physical is also going to cost anywhere from 100.00-150.00, with a minimum of 50.00 the day of. So I'd also been saving up as well.

Nov. 2nd comes. I had an AM appointment so I could just get this out of the way. I'm NOT looking forward to this and totally "scared". The doctor is just going to tell me I'm fat, I need to lose more weight, and that's it... Good times. And the 45 minute drive isn't helping! I know I've gained weight because I'd fallen from my diet, just not sure how much weight, so that's nerve wrecking on top of having to go see this thin, beautiful doctor.

I get to the office, sign in and wait, which felt like forever but in reality was about 5 minutes. The girl calls me back to get height and weight. I step on the scale... And want to cry.


The last time I weighed myself I was in the 260's. This meant I had gained anywhere from 30-40 pounds and I was 4 pounds away from being back in the 300's-which I vowed to never be again. I was devastated, and to top it off, still had to see the doctor. Great.

I'm now waiting for the Doctor, and totally nervous. She walks in and I'm prepared for the worst. This woman was gonna tear me apart!


This woman was amazing. Funny, sweet,  and kind. Weight got brought up, obviously... I told her I had lost, fell off, gained... the whole story. She didn't judge me at all! She was SOOO encouraging. She had believed in me. I had all the tools to lose weight-I had already lost a decent amount, but wasn't staying disciplined. It was all up to me to start losing the weight again, and she believed I could do it. She also said the words "Nothing tastes as good, as being thin feels." Which to this day, have stayed imprinted in my brain, and basically become my motto for life.

All my blood work came back and Okay, and I was healthy-so now, I just have to get back on the train and start losing. I couldn't allow myself to get back to 300. I was almost on the brink of tears the whole time I was in the Doctors.

The Doctor and I talked a little while longer, and Tam was right-this woman is absolutely the most amazing Doctor/person ever. I love her! She totally changed my mind about how I felt about Doctors (sort of-I'm pretty convinced I dislike all doctors except her, but I've become partial!) She even hugged me before leaving, which Doctor does that?!

Now its time to leave, I get to the counter. The lady then proceeds to say "It'll be 25.00 for today." Now, I brought 50.00 with me because when I had called previously they said 50.00 at time of visit and I'd be billed for the rest. So I give her 50.00 anyways and just tell her to apply it to my bill. She says "No hunny, the total is 25.00." Because of Tam and her previously working there, and the office knowing my no insurance situation, they totally helped me out. And only charge me 25.00 each time I go. So-an amazing Doctor and an amazing office?!

I'm still on the brink of tears, because I cant believe I've allowed myself to gain that much weight. I get in my car, and tears started instantly. I sat in the parking lot for probably about 30-45 minutes after my appointment. I called Tam (who at this point, still doesn't know I had been eating fast food again.) I called her crying and completely confessed everything that had been going on for months. Scared shes going to be mad or disappointed or something! She was sooo supportive, told me she understood. And was 100% on board with me and would help me with EVERYTHING. I told her how much I loved the doctor, and she of course laughed-because I usually doubt Tam, and then when it happens-I Thank her!

That day, I got back on track! We started hitting the gym again, I was VERY determined to lose this weight!

Since Nov. 2nd, I have lost 54 pounds, bringing my total weight lose to 96 pounds from my original 338 pound self. I'm still not perfect and have my off days. I've had fast food ONCE, and pizza a couple of times (which was portioned to a slice or two-that's it!) And I still mess up from time to time...

I'm completely blessed with an amazing support team, and Doctor. She's one of my biggest cheer leaders. She puts up with all my crazy text messages about food questions,  or if I'm having a bad discipline day/week-she hears about it! She always puts me back in perspective and is always sooo motivating and encouraging. I can now say I actually LOOK FORWARD to going to the Doctors. People say all the time "You drive 45 minutes to the doctors, get a different doctor!" HELL NO! I love my Doctor and the relationship I've been able to build with her. I WOULD NOT have gone this far if it wasn't for her. And could never Thank her enough for all she has done for me. She has single handedly changed my life. There is no way to repay that.

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