Thursday, May 17, 2012

It all started with the Wii Fit!

Lets take it back to the beginning.

I wanted to play the Wii Fit! So I get it out, set it up, turn the Wii on, and we're good to go! It tells me not to step on yet and to create a member-I do just that. A little Wii person, dark curly hair pink shirt so on and so on. Now it wants to get some stats on me before playing. It needs my weight and tells me to step on: a message pops up across the screen.

A message that changed my life as weird as that may sound.
The message read "Weight exceeds maximum weight limit"...........

Surely something was wrong was the board, I pick it up, move it to a different location. I'm good, wait for it to tell me to step on, and the message pops up again... I'm thinking to myself "you've got to be kidding me" I may have even said it out loud. What the heck is the weight limit on the Wii Fit?! Turn it over and it says "Maximum weight 330lbs". Holy crap-my heart sank. I know I'm big, but over 330 pounds? This cant be right... I ran (if you want to call it that) upstairs to the scale, brace myself and stop on.....

It read:


That had to be a mistake too-I KNEW I wasn't 338 lbs. NO WAY.
So, I try it again.
and this time:


I wanted to cry. I was in my early EARLY 20's, and I was over 300 pounds-12 pounds from being 350.

I ran (as fast as I could being 338 pounds) down stairs to call my Best Friend, Tam. Now, mind you-NO ONE except a doctor has ever known my real weight. Tam would always try to talk to me bout being healthy and maybe changing some things, and I wasn't really interested. I called her and told her what had happened AND told her I weighed myself and was 338 pounds. When I told her, my heart kind of skipped, because NO one has ever known my weight and I had been called fat by "family" my whole life. I wasn't in the condition to be called names, or hear a lecture after finding out I was 338 pounds.

She wanted to help! She said she'd walk me through everything and she was there for me 100%, and we were starting NOW. Now?! I thought to myself! I KNOW NOTHING about being healthy or eating healthy. I know fruit is good for you, and vegetables (which I HATE every single vegetable known to man). I wasn't sure what was about to happen... But I knew I didn't want to be fat anymore. But how would I even begin to lose weight? I'd get winded walking for too long or going up stairs.

One of the first things she said to me was less carbs. Carbs? How do I know what a carb is? (I told you I knew NOTHING about this stuff!) I soon came to realize, all my favorite foods consisted of carbs. I was going to die.

I was scared and determined all at the same time...

To be continued:


  1. i love that your wii fit girl had on a pink shirt... that made me smile! can't wait to keep reading....

  2. did your wii fit girl have any sparkles? please do another post. you have me so interested :) i know i have heard some of this .... but i also can't wait to keep reading.

  3. ;) awesome your inspiring me;)

  4. I am so proud of you you are truly an inspiration to all I just want you to know that you are amazing and I cannot wait to watch your journey

  5. Very awesome Vitty! Proud of u an ur accomplishment!

  6. Pastor Lori and Jeni-Love that you two were most interested in the shirt! Jeni-they we're fresh outta sprarkles :-(

    Thank you Jenelle! And thank you everyone else. Everyone's words are very encouraging and great motivation!
