Thursday, August 9, 2012

Update :-)

My computer is STILL being fixed. So that's why I haven't been posting like I would like.

I've really been stepping up my workout game... Been trying to go 5-6 days a week for 2-3 hours a day. And when I cant make it. I make sure I do SOMETHING active. I NEVER thought I'd enjoy working out as much as I do. I have my days, as we all do-but I always feel GOOD after a workout.

I've also started running. Now, its a slow run, but none the less, its a run. Its definitely a killer for me. But I LOVE it! Love how I feel afterward. My breathing completely sucks and I literally sound like I'm dying and continuously gasping for my last breath. Everyone is telling me it will improve over time-so we'll see... But I've been able to do a mile without stopping or jogging. The other day I was able to run a half mile-stopped for a little, ran another mile-took a little break and then went for a final mile. Making it 2.5 miles. Felt great afterward! I was NEVER able to run before being soo big, so it really does feel good to do 1 more thing I wasn't able to do before.

I've also been trying to add in more strength training at the gym as opposed to mostly cardio-per the doctors instructions. So we'll see how that goes. I noticed I'm not losing as much-pound wise (because of muscle) but feel thinner. I base a lot on numbers so it can get discouraging at times.


This past weekend I had to run some errands so I decided to try on some clothes to see what sizes I could/would fit into. I tried on a pair of jeans. Now mind you-I've only been able to buy jeans from torrid (a plus size store). I've NEVER been able to fit into department store jeans. WELL-I tried on a pair from target-and they fit! I was super excited. No more over priced plus size store jeans! It feels sooo good to be able to have more clothing options!

Here's an extra pic from my cousins wedding a couple weekends ago!

I LOVE getting questions and comments from everyone soo please don't hesitate!

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